Your personal data is invaluable and exclusively yours. It is your private property and must be protected as such!


Since I want to protect your data, I carefully select all components used to operate this site to the best of my knowledge and belief.

However, I rely on the data protection practices of the providers of various services to protect your personal data. Only services that claim to comply at least with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the ePrivacy Directive are used.

For maximum transparency, I have detailed which services I use and how they handle the data collected or what data I have access to.

I quote partial excerpts of the providers policies at the current
time. (as of 07/2024)
Each of these quotes includes a corresponding source reference.
I cannot rule out changes to these by the service providers.
All information is provided without guarantee.

Information Collection

I do not collect, store, or analyze any cookies or personal information.

Hosting Provider

This website is hosted by Hetzner Webhosting.

Data collected by Hetzner Webhosting

For our customers’ websites, the log files store, among other things, the IP address, the browser visitors use, the time and date of the visits, and the system that visitors use. We at Hetzner Online only store pseudonymised IP addresses of visitors to the website. At the web server level, this happens by default by storing an IP address <123.123.123.XXX> in the log file instead of the visitor’s actual IP address, for example, <>. The XXX is a random value between 1 and 254, so it is no longer possible to establish the true identity of the visitor.
 — Hetzner Data Privacy FAQ

I have disabled the retention of web server logs for Hetzner Webhosting. Nevertheless, I still have access to Live Logs, where IP addresses are anonymized as mentioned above to protect your privacy. I would review the web server logs purely for debugging purposes.

Comment Function

The comment function is made possible with giscus.

With giscus, the comment section can be linked and embedded with a GitHub Discussion. To leave a comment, you must authorize the giscus app to post on your behalf using the GitHub OAuth process.

Alternatively, if the discussion already exists, you can also comment directly via GitHub.

Data collected by giscus

We do not collect any data.
However, if you sign in to our website with GitHub, a server-encrypted token will be stored in your browser’s local storage. On every subsequent load of the website, the token will be decrypted by our server to let you create authenticated requests to the GitHub API.
 — giscus Privacy Policy


I currently have nothing implemented to track or analyze user movements on my website.
However, I plan to use Fathom Analytics in the future.

Fathom Analytics can analyse user behaviour without cookies or any personalised information.

Search Engines

I use Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools to understand how people discover my website. These services provide me with insights but do not share any personal data about you with me.

Information that I receive from these services includes, among other things:

  • Most common search queries that led to my site
  • The most frequently accessed pages
  • Country of origin
  • Type of device
  • Links to my pages from other sites

This is an industry-standard and only works for users who access this site through Google or Bing search results.

Other accesses, such as direct visits or links from other websites, are not affected.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This privacy policy may change at any time.

I cannot verify the claims made by third-party service providers and am not affiliated with the mentioned services. Please review this policy periodically for updates and also check the privacy policies of the third-party providers used.